Things to do - Isle Of Harris

Isle of Harris is actually joined to the Isle of Lewis within the Western Isles. The landscape and history of Harris, together with the hospitality of its people provide a wonderful escape from the pressures of modern life. To the north of Harris, the landscape is rugged, mountainous and has a Lunar feel to it, with huge boulders littered around. The east coast is more isolated and has some of the oldest rocks in the world, being dated at some three thousand million years old. The exposed rocks are a result of scouring by the glaciers in the Ice Ages.

Getting to the Isle of Harris and then around the smaller islands including Isle of Berneray and Isle of Scalpay is easy whatever your preferred method of transport whether it be by air or by ferry. Harris Tweed is a vital part of the island economy. Beaches are probably the feature of Harris that impress most visitors. The colour of the water, even on a dull day, and the purity of the sand are simply stunning.
